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Vanesa Burgos Delgado

Uses monitoring data and eruption records to provide probabilistic eruption forecasts
David Fee
AVO Coordinating Scientist
Uses infrasound and seismic data to study volcanic eruptions and other explosions
Indujaa Ganesh
Remote Sensing


Studies volcanism in the inner solar system using radar remote sensing, theoretical modeling and geophysical imaging
Társilo Girona
Seismology & Geodesy


Explores the precursory activity of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes by combining physics- and data-based models
Ronni Grapenthin
Seismology & Geodesy


Studies volcanoes, earthquakes and other crustal deformation processes with GPS and InSAR
Pavel Izbekov

Studies and monitors active volcanoes of Alaska and Kamchatka
Jessica Larsen
GI Associate Director
Studies the inner workings of active and potentially hazardous volcanoes in Alaska and elsewhere
Taryn Lopez

Uses the composition and flux of volcanic gases to understand volcanic processes
Revathy M. Parameswaran
Seismology & Geodesy


Employs GPS and seismology to study earthquakes, crustal deformation and stress evolution
Peter Webley
Remote Sensing


Uses unmanned aircraft systems and remote sensing for hazard analysis and domain awareness