HAARP: New frontiers in space science on the last frontier

The Geophysical Institute recently took over operation of the facilities of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program after the Air Force Research Laboratory discontinued its research at the site. This high profile program has attracted a lot of attention over the years for a variety of imagined activities. The truth, however, is far more prosaic than was imagined, though still quite interesting. This presentation will cover some of the history of the program, including some of the significant results obtained, and plans for future research.
Bill Bristow is a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His research focuses on the physics of the near-Earth space environment, primarily through radar observations of the ionosphere. He is the group leader for space physics research at the Geophysical Institute and the principal investigator for five radar systems supported by the National Science Foundation, three of which are in Alaska, and two are in Antarctica. Bristow is the GI’s chief scientist for the HAARP system.